National Capital Region

National Capital Region

Parks in the National Capital Region

I have visited the parks in the National Capital Region that are listed in red, but I only linked the parks I have reviewed (I clearly need to review more). Carter G. Woodson NHS and the Dwight Eisenhower Memorial are the last 2 I have to visit in DC. The Woodson house is currently closed for renovations, but I plan to visit it as soon as it opens.

  • Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality NM
  • Carter G. Woodson NHS
  • Ford’s Theatre NHS
  • Fort Washington Park
  • Frederick Douglass NHS
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac
  • Mary McLeod Bethune Council House NHS
  • National Capital Parks – East
  • Potomac Heritage NST
  • President’s Park/The White House
  • Rock Creek Park
  • Theodore Roosevelt Island

The parks listed below are stand-alone memorials or areas around the National Mall. All of them are described in detail on the National Mall and Memorial Parks page, except the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, which I plan to visit in Spring 2023.

  • Constitution Gardens
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
  • Korean War Veterans Memorial
  • Lincoln Memorial
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
  • Pennsylvania Ave NHS
  • Thomas Jefferson Memorial
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  • Washington Monument
  • World War II Memorial

The best parks in the National Capital Region

I love, love, love DC and visit frequently. There is no shortage of things to do and most of them are free! Below is a list of my top 5 favorite DC parks.

No. 5: World War II Memorial

This is a memorial to all 50 states and a huge fountain in the middle. The nice thing about this memorial is that you can spend as little or as much time here as you’d like. There aren’t any informational plaques to read or tours to take; however, it’s a beautiful memorial. I suggest packing a lunch and spending some time just sitting near the fountain and taking in your surroundings.

No. 4: Thomas Jefferson Memorial

This is another memorial you don’t need much time to see, but the dome structure is stunning. You can get some great pictures of the Washington Monument from inside the memorial, and similarly, you can get great shots of the memorial from across Tidal Basin. Please include this memorial in your walk around Tidal Basin!

No. 3: Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial is iconic, do not miss it. You don’t need a ton of time here, but go for the pictures at the least. From the top of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial you can see out across the entire National Mall and the Washington Monument is on the other end.

No. 2: Frederick Douglass NHS

I had such a great experience at this park, and I enjoyed that it was on the outskirts of DC. I took a guided tour and my tour guide was amazing. Since I am fascinated with all things slavery, civil rights, etc., I really learned and absorbed a lot of information. Unfortunately, the house is currently closed for renovations until 2023.

No. 1: Ford’s Theatre NHS

I had a meaningful experience because I saw a show in the theatre (Into the Woods). I highly recommend doing this if it works out in your itinerary. There is a museum across from the theatre that is really neat. You can easily spend a few hours there if you read everything. Click here for the current show schedule at Ford’s Theatre.

Last updated: April 7, 2023

National Park Blogger